Wiki Page:
We will be starting a classification project in science.
We will make a Wiki page which is like a webpage about an organism you have chosen.
Ms. Welch will give you a username and password in order to access and edit the Wiki.
View our Wiki here: http://welchsclass.pbworks.com/Classification-Instructions
Your Wiki page must include:
1. Is it a vertebrate or invertebrate?
2. What kingdom does it belong to? (Animalia, Plantae, etc.)
3. What class does it belong to? (mammals, insects, etc.)
4. What characteristics allow it to belong to this group?
5. A graphic or photo of your organism.
6. Your first name
7. A voki highlighting your organism and it's details from above.
We will also create a Voki which is a talking avatar to communicate to others about your organism.
Here are the steps to create a Voki:
1. go to voki.com
2. click "create" at the top
3. customize your character (try to find your organism and if you can't use another)
4. under "give it a voice" choose the keyboard letter key
5. type in the information your avatar will say to your audience-after click "done"
6. choose background and other details (like mouth, eyes, etc.)
7. click "publish" at the bottom
8. name your scene (I named mine "welch dolphin")
9. wait for it to save
10. close box that says it saved
11. select by clicking one time, the code that says "for most sites use this code"
12. copy the code by clicking "ctrl c" on the keyboard OR right click "copy"
13. go back to your wiki page (you should keep this open in a separate window)
14. click "insert", "more plugins", interactive media", "voki speaking avatar"
15. paste the code in the box by right clicking and then choosing "paste" OR click once in the box and click "ctrl v" on the keyboard.
16. click "done"
17. you will see a little rectangle that says voki but your voki won't show up until you press "save"
Click here to go to http://voki.com/